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Do children get kidney stones?


Kidney stones are found in children as young as 5 years. In fact, this problem is so common in children that some hospitals conduct ‘stone' clinics for pediatric patients. The increase in the United States has been attributed to several factors, mostly related to food choices. The two most important reasons are not drinking enough fluids and eating foods that are high in salt. Kids should eat less salty potato chips and French fries. There are other salty foods: sandwich meats; canned soups; packaged meals; and even sports drinks. Sodas can also increase risk of stones due to the high sucrose content (a kind of sugar).

Drinking water is important, but how do you get kids to drink more water? Parents can send a water bottle with lunch to school, instead of a juice box or sports drink. Make a habit when they are very young to serve water with every meal and snack. Kids like ice water, especially when the ice is made in a tray of shapes (like stars or hearts). Don't wait for your child to tell you he or she is thirsty. They may not realize it. Bring water to sports activities and to the park. Have a water bottle in the car on every trip.

In some children, being overweight adds to the risk. In others, being very active in sports and not drinking water adds to the risk. In still others, regularly eating foods high in salt adds to the risk. Encourage your kids to drink milk and eat yogurt. Dairy products help because calcium binds with oxalate before it gets into the kidneys.

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